
Decisions, decisions...

I am aware that it is time for a new blog post. It's way past december, near past january. Now the question is, what should I say?

Should i blog about how mexican coke is better than regular coke? Well, it is...the difference lies in the 2nd ingredient: natural cane sugar (vs. high fructose corn syrup)
(mexico wins).

How about clean sheets. I love crisp, white, clean sheets. They are heaven.


Years and years ago i read this post about 'how to blog'. i linked it somewhere on an old blog and re-read it the other day. i realize i don't do most of those things...do any of us? some of my favorite gems:
"1. write every day. (ha, easier said than done...maybe if i was immobile on bedrest or something)
15. dont be afraid if you think something has been said before. it has. and better. big whoop. say it anyway using your own words as honestly as you can. just let it out.
17. people like pictures. use them. (i forget to take pictures)
19. push the envelope in what youre writing about and how youre saying it. be more and more honest. get to the root of things. start at the root of things and get deeper. dig. think out loud. keep typing. keep going. eventually you'll find a little treasure chest. every time you blog this can happen if you let it. (i can't write honestly on a blog that everyone i know reads...darned shame)
25. dont use your real name. (oops...too late)
29. dont apologize about not blogging. nobody cares. just start blogging again." (noted)


Well, I hate to end just yet so maybe now I'll share the contents of my purse. just for fun. it's sitting right here!
Presenting, in the order that I reach in and pull an item out:
*unopened pack of gum (orbit, wintermint)
*80 gb hard drive (what i would take with me in a fire) (well helk i guess i'd just grab the whole purse!) (helk is my special word combo...i start to say: what the hel-- and then i'm all -- kkkk. helk. heck. yeah!)
*wallet ($21 cash, 3 library cards, 1 credit card, driver's license, BYU ID, U of M card, aaron's mini-diploma- he was going to throw it away)
*keys (car, mail, condo, and two others to who knows where)
*dramamine (for car sickness)
*mini moleskine notebook
*old boarding pass from detroit to slc
*U of M id badge
*floss! (x2)
*undereye concealer, for the ubiquitous dark circles. it depuffs & brightens!
*nail file
*3 pens
*1 pencil (with my name engraved on the side-- fancy)
*3 paperclips
*SLC Hyatt room key
*old grocery list (bananas, basil, cake mix, cornmeal, tortillas)

No day like today to clean out my purse anyhow.


Welp, sorry for the scattered writings that didn't mean much whatsoever. but i blogged! Til next time, paz afuera.